Nearly Italians

Foto: Christian Hack

The founding year of the NEARLY ITALIANS, dedicated to guitar-fuzz-pop full of vocal melodies, lies far back. At that time, Jörkk Mechenbier was still firmly scheduled as a singer, but he quickly left and went off as a charming saloon lion with Love A. He left a gap on the microphone and the linguistically debatable band name.

The years dragged on and the line-up mutated several times, but now this charming band has recorded their first five songs, refined them several times and tweaked their musical vision. This band can take the stage for 90 minutes with these five songs and fill the time between songs with stories from their past. There is a lot of grandezza in their music, a lot of vita and a lot of dolce.

„Dolce“ EP Cover (JPG)
Info (PDF)
Foto (RGB, © Christian Hack)