Eleven years is a long time. Over such a long period of time, life throws up all kinds of personal changes and developments – and can’t be held back by anyone or anything. All of which makes it even more noteworthy when connections between people remain constant despite these everchanging circumstances.
This all sounds very clichéd, but it truly does apply in the case of the band Flares. The Saarbrücken five-piece have been playing instrumental post-rock, with a decent helping of prog-rock, since 2007. Their sound has been influenced by bands such as Oceansize, Mogwai and Boards Of Canada. After the self-released EPs „Levitation“ (2008) and „Kingdom Come“ (2012, nominated „Demo of the Month“ by German magazine „VISIONS“), the band‘s first LP, „Solar Empire“, was released by the Karlsruhe-based indie label Wolves & Vibrancy Records in May 2014.
Even though the band’s history now goes back over a decade, and their members are strewn across Germany, neither their friendship nor their creativity has dimmed. For proof, look no further than their album „Allegorhythms“, produced by keyboardist Mike Balzer, wich was releassed in 2018 through Barhill Records, or its follow-up „Spectra“ from 2020.
Over the years, Flares have opened for such acts as Mono, Red Sparowes, Caspian, and Animals As Leaders – winning over European Union cultural attachés, who didn’t hesitate to sign the band up to the „Multipistes“ talent pool and give them the chance to take to the stage at „L’Autre Canal“ in Nancy in France.
„Levitaton“ Cover (JPG)
„Kindom Come“ Cover (JPG)
„Solar Empire“ Cover (JPG)
„Allegorhythms“ Info (PDF)
„Allegorhythms“ Cover (JPG)
„Spectra“ Info (PDF)
„Spectra“ Cover (JPG, RGB)
Fotos (ZIP, RGB, © Andreas Becker)