KRAMSKY „Metaego“ (LP)

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Artikelnummer: BHR024LP Kategorien: , Schlagwörter: , ,


KRAMSKY „Metaego“
BHR024LP – Release date: 08.05.2020 – black LP
10 songs, indie rock, post-punk, new wave
© 2020 Barhill Records
Lieferzeiten: 2-3 Werktage nach Zahlungseingang
Alle Preise inkl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. / All prices include tax.
Zzgl. Versandkosten. / Plus postage.
Pro Vorbestellung wird 1 Euro an den Verein Laut gegen Nazis e.V. gespendet! / Per pre-order 1 Euro will be donated to the association Laut gegen Nazis e.V.



KRAMSKY play indie rock, post-punk and new wave with German lyrics – loud and intense, always at the limit. The band does not like to repeat itself, every song is different, but always sounds like KRAMSKY, with sound and lyrics for the small and the big life, for the parties, the crash, the blue hour before and the hangover afterwards.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 2,5 kg



Flight13 Duplication, Rastatter Str.32, D-75179 Pforzheim

Verantwortliche Person in der EU

Barhill Records, Lindenstr. 30a, D-66292 Riegelsberg

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