STEREOLITH „escape velocity“ (LP)

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Artikelnummer: BHR025LP Kategorien: , Schlagwort:


STEREOLITH „escape velocity“
BHR025LP – Release date: 03.07.2020 – regular black LP
7 songs, stoner/punk rock, download code included
© 2020 Barhill Records
Lieferzeiten: 2-3 Werktage nach Zahlungseingang
Alle Preise inkl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. / All prices include tax.
Zzgl. Versandkosten. / Plus postage.



The German stoner/punk rock four piece STEREOLITH presents its first album „escape velocity“. The seven tracks were produced by Kurt Ebelhäuser (Blackmail). The sound is unfiltered, loud, dirty and feels like a wild ride in a boogie van filled with kerosene through the endless deserts of California. For fans of Fu Manchu, Kyuss, Failure, The Bronx, Queens Of The Stone Age, The Hellacopters, Radio Moscow, 1000 Mods and Soundgarden. The album is available on black vinyl, CD and digitally.

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Gewicht 2,5 kg



Flight13 Duplication, Rastatter Str.32, D-75179 Pforzheim

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Barhill Records, Lindenstr. 30a, D-66292 Riegelsberg

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