GEISTERFAUST „Servile Mirrors Of Animosity“ (MP3)

5,99 inkl. MwSt. / tax included

Artikelnummer: BHR038D Kategorien: , Schlagwörter: ,


BHR038D – Release date: 03.12.2021 – MP3
6 live songs, black metal/sludge
© 2021 Barhill Records
Lieferzeiten: 2-3 Werktage nach Zahlungseingang
Alle Preise inkl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. / All prices include tax.



On December the 3rd, Barhill Records will release a new musical offering of GEISTERFAUST called Servile Mirrors of Animosity. Recorded live at Studio 30 during their first show after more than 20 months, this minialbum will bring you almost 30 minutes of massive riff cascades and infernal drone worship.

Although the band is not in favor of the concept of the big streaming providers and how they treat artists, they chose to give their fans a more easy access to their music for this upcoming release by making it available on all streaming services. Therefore GEISTERFAUST, featuring Killflavour shouter A. and Poisoned Speed members C. and T., teamed up with the german indie label Barhill Records, which will handle all the digital distribution apart from bandcamp.



Barhill Records, Lindenstr. 30a, D-66292 Riegelsberg,

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Barhill Records, Lindenstr. 30a, D-66292 Riegelsberg

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